Spotlight On: Augusta Savage
Savage with her sculpture Realization in 1938. Photograph: Andrew Herman
Augusta Savage working on a sculpture in New York in 1938. Credit: Hansel Mieth/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Today we are shining a spotlight on Augusta Savage (1892 – 1962). Augusta was an American sculptor and educator. Throughout her life she battled racism and worked for equal rights to secure a place for African American women in the art world.In 1939, Augusta was the first African American woman to open her own art gallery in America – the Salon of Contemporary Negro Art. Devoted to showcasing the work of Black artists, 500 people poured into the opening reception, where Savage announced: “We do not ask any special favors as artists because of our race. We only want to present to you our works and ask you to judge them on their merits.”